Miscellaneous Resources

A Report of the June 1983 Total Solar Eclipse
Report of the June 1983 Total Solar Eclipse, as viewed from Java, Indonesia.
Includes 5k JPEG image of the sun in totality.
A Strategy For Ground-Based Optical And Infrared Astronomy
McCray Panel on Ground-Based Optical and Infrared Astronomy, Committee on Astronomy and Astrophysics, Board on Physics and Astronomy, Space Studies Board, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 1995
American Mathematical Society ( AMS )
American Mathematical Society top level WWW page
Aspen Center for Physics ( ACP )
The Aspen Center for Physics is a scientific organization which promotes organized research in physics, astrophysics and related fields through a program of individual and collaborative research, seminars, workshops and conferences and which promotes the education of the general public through public lectures and other activities.
Association for Computing Machinery ( ACM )
Many ACM information services are available on the Internet and may be accessed through this document. Included in these services is current information on the following activities: Awards, Conferences, Education, Local Activities, Network Services, Publications, and Special Interest Groups. Other ACM Information services are: Announcements from around the association, and New Product Announcements. In addition, information is available from the following affiliate organizations: Federation on Computing in the United States and IFIP, and Institute for the Certification of Computing Professionals.
Astronomical Journal ( AJ )
The Astronomical Journal (ISSN 0004-6256) is published monthly and consists of two volumes per year; an author and subject index appears at the end of each volume. An annual author and subject index is located in the last volume of each year.
Astronomische Arbeitsgruppe Laufen e.V. ( Oberbayern, Germany )
Astronomy Acknowledgement Index ( AAI )
This service provides references to all personal acknowledgements from all papers published in the leading journals in astronomy. Search by name and lists of the most acknowledged scientists are available. The database is updated monthly. The AAI is compiled by Dima Verner, University of Kentucky.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement ( ApJS )
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (ISSN 0067-0049) is published monthly for the American Astronomical Society by The University of Chicago Press, 5801 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637. Six volumes of two issues each are published each year. An author and subject index appears in the second issue of each volume.
Astrophysical Journal ( ApJ )
The Astrophysical Journal (ISSN 0004-637X) is published three times a month (in two parts) for the American Astronomical Society by The University of Chicago Press, 5801 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637. Volumes consist of two issues each. An author and subject index covering three volumes appears in Part 1 every second month. An annual index is published after the last volume of the year and is sent to each subscriber. The articles in this journal are indexed in the Science Citation Index, Philadelphia, PA.
AstroVR serves primarily as a collaborative tool for researchers in astronomy and astrophysics. The goal is to provide a virtual environment in which researchers can collaborate almost as though they were in the same room. AstroVR features links to various software programs, such as ISSA-PS, SIMBAD, NED, MONGO, SKYVIEW, etc., and allows researchers to use these programs together in a shared environment, together with video, audio, and text. For additional information, please read the introduction.
Book on Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impact - Call for photographs and pictures
Coded Aperture Imaging in High-Energy Astronomy
Information about coded aperture imaging as applied in X- and gamma-ray astronomy: - introduction to the principle - specific details about instruments of the past, present and proposed future - bibliography.
Comet Observation Home Page
Provides information on current (bright) comets including recent observations and ephemeridies. Images and light curves of current and past comets are also available.
Comets & Meteor Showers
A www page for observers of comets and meteor showers. Includes most of text of 1988 book Meteor Showers: A Descriptive Catalog detailing 120 radiants. Also gives historical details of current comets, as well as highlights of current apparition, including ephemerides and movies showing comet motions. Soon to include finder charts.
Comets and Meteor Showers
This site gives the complete text to the 1988 book Meteor Showers: A Descriptive Catalog, as well as recent meteor shower observations. The site also posts a wealth of comet information from news of recent discoveries, finder charts, and ephemerides, to extensive historical information on individual comets.

Company Seven Astro-Optics Division
Company Seven Astro-Optics Division Company Seven Astro-Optics Division remains a highly regarded resource for the international professional and amateur astronomical community.

Ours is a firm that is involved in the design, manufacture, resale, and service of astronomical telescopes and related systems. Our credentials include support of mission critical aspects of the NASA International Comet Halley Watch, the Hubble Space Telescope Repair Mission, and a variety of Defense and Law Enforcement projects.

We sponsor a showroom and museum displaying rare new and antique telescopes, binoculars, and optics in Laurel, Maryland, U.S.A. And that showroom is the hub of the regional astronomical community - where our own astronomy club supports a variety of non-profit astronomical organizations as well as the profit and non profit television and radio, and print media, NASA, the U.S. Naval Observatory, and otehr Federal agencies with the loan of equipment and personnel for instructional and observation events.

We offer comprehenisive programs of instruction for the amateur and professional astronomical and nature watching communities. And we operate visual astronomical observatories at a private site in West Virginia, with increasing photographic and CCD capabilities.

URL: www.company7.com

Showroom: 14300 Cherry Lane Court, Laurel, Maryland U.S.A.

Hours Open: Mon-Friday 11 am to 6 pm, Sat 11 am to 5pm, Closed on Sundays, and U.S. Federal Holidays

Correspondence: Company Seven, Astro-Optics Division, Montpelier, Maryland 20709-2587

Telephone: 00-301-953-2000 or 00-301-604-2500

Primary Products: Astronomical and surveillance instruments, design, manufacture, resale.

Product Lines included: Astro-Physics, Carl Zeiss, Celestron, Santa Barbara Instrumetns Group, Questar, Leica, Motorola, TeleVue, Leica, Nikon, and more.

Dpto. Astrofisica. I. Fisica de Cantabria
This is the Home Page of the Astrophysics Department of the Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria at Santander, Spain. This is a center supported by the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and the University of Cantabria. People here works in Extragalactic Astrophysics. These pages contain their work and interests as well as some miscellaneous information.
Earth & Sky
Earth & Sky is a syndicated radio program heard across the United States. The show is done by Debbie Byrd and Joel Block in Austin, Texas. The show is done every weekday (and the occasional weekend), and deals with various popular science subjects, ranging from astronomy and earth science to our environment. Questions from listeners are also addressed. The show is produced in association with the American Geophyiscal Union of Washington, D.C.
Eric's Treasure Trove of Astronomy
European Cosmology Network ( ECN )

ECN comprises most of the European institutions active in cosmological research. About 30 institutions from 11 European Countries take part in the network, but these teams vary greatly in number and research interest, as well as in their organisational role within ECN.

This WWW site has been set up to assist in ECN's role of providing information and resources for the European Cosmology community. It contains information about the structure of ECN, links to institution and individual home pages of ECN team members, and news from Brussels about the TMR programme. In addition, we have a page upon which ECN members can advertise job opportunities at their institution, a page for advertising forthcoming conferences (as well as reports of past ones), and a resource page of useful links of cosmological interest.

Finnish amateur astronomy homepage
FTP Software Inc
Innovative developer of TCP/IP transports and applications for DOS, Windows and OS/2
German Astronomical Directory
WWW-Pages of Amateur astronomers from Austria,Switzerland and Germany
Hitachi Instruments
Hitachi Instruments, Inc. is a manufacturer and provider of high efficiency diffraction gratings. We offer both standard catalog components and custom made to order items.
HST Data Handbook
WAIS index to the " HST Data Handbook" which describes Hubble Space Telescope (HST) datasets produced by any instrument. It includes information about how to read and understand the files on a tape, how to determine if the data should be recalibrated, how to understand potential problems with the data, and how to solve these problems. Appendixes are provided explaining how to use StarView, STSDAS, and STEIS to work with HST data.
HST status
WAIS index to daily activity / instrument status information for the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Files hst_status_* in stsci/hst_news directory on STEIS are indexed.
HST weekly timeline
WAIS index to the Weekly Timeline files for current year's observations of the NASA/ESO Hubble Space Telescope (HST). timeline_* files in observer/weekly_timeline directory on STEIS. Provides insight on upcoming HST activities.
Hypermedia Issues And Applications
State of the Art Review on Hypermedia Issues And Applications, by V. Balasubramanian, Graduate School of Management, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey (bala@pegasus.rutgers.edu). Chapter 1: Hypertext - An Introduction, Chapter 2: Implementation Issues, Chapter 3: Database Issues, Chapter 4: User Interface Issues, Chapter 5: Information Retrieval Issues, Chapter 6: Integration Issues, Chapter 7: Applications, Chapter 8: A Systematic Approach To User Interface Design For A Hypertext Framework. Postscript version available (tar'ed and compressed)
IAU Commission 27 Homepage ( IAU-C27 )
International Astronomical Union, Commission 27: Variable stars (etoiles variables)
Membership info. - Meetings - Proceedings - Catalogues - Announcements
IGARSS '94 abstracts
WAIS index to the IGARSS '94 Abstracts from the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium sponsored by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in August 1994
IMSA Astrophysics Home Page ( A high school course in Astrophysics )
This is a one-semester course that embeds technology and the use of the internet into the daily experience of the students. Course materials, assessment tools and philosophy, and curriculum documents are all provided through this site.
International Earth Rotation Service ( IERS, USNO )
TAI-UTC (leap second table) is available.
JACKSON, Robert E. ( CSC/STScI )
Network information systems, Software Tools
Limber Observatory
Limber Observatory is a private observatory and residence in the Texas Hill Country near San Antonio, specializing in optical polarimetry of early emission line stars.
Loch Ness Productions: Planetarium resources
The "official" list of planetarium and planetarium- related Web sites is here, as well as Loch Ness Productions resources for planetaria: shows, original artwork slides, space music CDs and tapes, the LNP Planetarium Compendium (directory of the world's planetaria), and more.
LPI bibliographic citations
WAIS index to bibliographic citations from the Lunar Planetary Institute (LPI)
Mars Atlas ( -- online USGS maps and VO image finder )
A WWW-browsable, zoomable and scrollable atlas of USGS images of Mars, showing the locations (footprints) of thousands of high-resolution Viking Orbiter images.
Mid-Atlantic Star Party ( MASP )
Mira Public Observatory, Grimbergen, Belgium ( Volkssterrenwacht Mira, Grimbergen, Belgium )
The Mira Public Observatory is located north of Brussels, Belgium. Its main goal is to introduce people to the wonders and beauty of the night sky. The homepage also includes a Virtual Tour of the observatory.
NASA Space Sensors and Instrument Technology ( NASA OSAT Space Instrument Technology )
The intention of the Sensors and Instrument Technology home page is to provide convenient access to program information for those involved or interested in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Sensors and Instruments Technology Program. This is an experimental service provided by the Spacecraft Systems Division staff of the Office of Space Access and Technology at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC.
NASA Wallops Flight Facility
Informational, educational, dynamic and interactive.
National Academy of Sciences - Physical Sciences and Mathematics
National Earth Orientation Service ( NEOS )
NEOS was organized to coordinate, collect, analyze, and distribute data from the various operational U. S. programs that monitor variations in the orientation of the Earth. These programs include the International Radio Interferometric Surveying (IRIS) very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) program coordinated by the GL, the Navy Network (NAVNET) program coordinated by the USNO, the VLBI program coordinated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the satellite laser ranging (SLR) program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the University of Texas, the lunar laser ranging (LLR) program, with data analyzed at the University of Texas, and the Global Positioning System (GPS) data coordinated by the International GPS Service (IGS).
National Science Foundation ( NSF )
Includes: Deadlines for NSF Programs; Program Areas; Grant Proposal Guide; Guide to Programs; NSF Bulletins; Search Award Information and Abstracts; Fastlane Project; Communicating with the NSF; NSF Location and Directions; Publications; Publications Search Feature; Federal Research Centers; Federal Laboratories; Selected NSF-Funded Projects; Federal Agencies.
Naval Research Laboratory ( NRL )
New England Light Pollution Advisory Group ( NELPAG )
Information concerning improved outdoor lighting to reduce glare and obtrusive light.
North American Skies ( Sky Happenings for the layman )
North American Skies is the online web version of a monthly astronomy newsletter started in the late 1980s for television weather reporters in Denver. It provides information on easy-to-observe objects and events visible throughout North America (and most of the world). Each month's issue contains a star chart, calendar, inforamtion on the planets, plus an article of topical or temporal interest. Material on North American Skies is available for reprint if proper credit, including URL, is given.
Northern Lights Planetarium ( Norway )
The Northern Lights Planetarium opened on May 20th 1989, and it is Norway's first public planetarium, and now Norways first virtual planetarium
NRAO Arizona Operations ( NRAO-TUC )
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory Arizona Operations is the center for the following NRAO activities: (1) 12 Meter Telescope and (2) Millimeter Array Development Activities.
NRAO Charlottesville ( NRAO-CV )
This web page contains links to these items, among others: AIPS (Astronomical Image Processing System), AIPS++, NRAO Headquarters, The Central Development Lab, and the main NRAO Library.
Observatory Domes
Omega Optical, Inc ( I )
Omega Optical manufactures interference filters for astronomical applications from the deep UV to the far IR. Image quality interference filters are offered to many standard designs. Also produced are UVBRI sets from colored glasses. Optical fabrication facilities permit specialized fabrication with reasonable build times.
Pacific Northwest Laboratory ( PNL )
PDS Data Preparation Workbook ( DPW )
WAIS index to the text chapters of NASA's Planetary Data System (PDS) Data Preparation Workbook, Version 3.0. This document describes the data preparation process for active flight projects and data restoration tasks when submitting their planetary data for cataloging and archiving through the PDS. Search words that might be helpful in browsing the text include: Assemble, Keyword, Label.
PDS High-Level Catalog ( Templates )
WAIS index to NASA's Planetary Data System (PDS) High-Level Catalog Templates used for submitting metadata to the Planetary Data System data set catalog. Objects and keywords used in the templates are described in the Planetary Science Data Dictionary (PSDD) source. The templates included are: Coordinate, Discipline Description, Data Set Collection, Data Set Instrument Parameteter Description, Data Set Processing, Earthbase (Instrument Host), Earthbase Data Set, Earthbase Instrument, Inventory, Mission, Node, NSSDC ID, Parameter, Peer Review, Person, Processing Description, Spacecraft Data Set, Spacecraft Instrument, Software, Spacecraft, Target.
PDS labels
WAIS index to examples of actual data labels and completed catalog submission templates used by NASA's Planetary Data System (PDS) to catalog and archive planetary data. Objects and keywords used in the templates and labels are described in the Planetary Science Data Dictionary (PSDD) source.
PDS Planetary Science Data Dictionary ( PSDD )
WAIS index to the Planetary Science Data Dictionary (PSDD) - NASA Planetary Data System objects and element descriptions for describing and labeling planetary data. Catalog and data objects and elements (or keywords), their descriptions and attributes are included. Keyword class names such as date, time, latitude, longitude, ID, description, coordinate, etc., can be used as search words to identify individual data dictionary elements. Catalog and data type names such as table, column, histogram, document, etc., can be used as search words to identify data dictionary objects.
PEDERSEN, Holger ( Copenhagen )
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific ( PASP )
PASP is the technical journal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. It has been published continuously since 1889 (except for one issue which was lost in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and had to be reprinted).
Radio Pulsar Resources
A unified collection of information and pointers of interest to radio pulsar researchers. Resources include pointers to group and individual home pages, radio telescope home pages and telescope schedules, and pulsar related preprints and reprints.
Science and Engineering Television Network ( SETN )
The Science and Engineering Television Network, Inc., SETN, is a non-profit consortium of scientific societies, universities, laboratories and corporations organized to foster the development of scientific communication in the medium of television. SETN invites other organizations to join in the creation of and distribution of programming. The network intends to mirror the best scientific print publications and it will broadcast news reports, lecture-demonstrations, interviews, conferences and discussions all concerned with the latest international developments in scientific research and science policy.
SciTech Astronomical Research ( STAR Research Telescopes )
Design and manufacture specialized and general purpose telescopes and instrumentation for research and education.
SEDS - Internet Space Archive ( LPL/Arizona )
A large internet resource of Space related images, information and software.
SETIQuest®, The Magazine of SETI and Bioastronomy, provides both professional and amateur astronomers with information concerning SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and bioastronomy. Updates are published on optical and microwave- based SETI research, conferences, papers, and activities, such as Project Phoenix and SERENDIP (Search for Extraterrestrial Radio Emissions from Nearby Developed Intelligent Populations).
Shaukat on Moon Sighting ( Earliest Crescent Moon Sighting )
Earliest visibility of moon across the globe, calculated by the latest criterion developed by Shaukat
Signal Processing Information Base ( SPIB )
a project sponsored by the Signal Processing Society and the National Science Foundation. SPIB contains information repositories of data, papers, software, newsgroups, bibliographies, links to other repositories, and addresses, all of which are relevant to signal processing research and development. For general information, send e-mail to spib@spib.rice.edu containing the message: send help
Space Calendar ( NASA )
The Space Calendar covers space-related activities and anniversaries for the coming year. Note that anniversary dates are listed in 5 year increments only, and launch dates are subject to change.
SpaceBound is an online magazine dedicated to astronomy and space exploration. The website features software reviews, Internet links, news, articles, and much more.
Statistical Consulting Center for Astronomy ( SCCA )
The SCCA provides prompt high-quality statistical advice for the astronomical community. It is an interdisciplinary team of faculty at Penn State with contacts throughout the international statistical community. A wide range of issues arising in astronomical data analysis can be addressed. Questions and answers are made available on the WWW.
STScI documents
WAIS index to User Manuals produced by the Space Telescope Science Institute for use by Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) proposers and observers. PostScript and ASCII versions in /documents/* directories on STEIS
The Commonwealth Club of California
The Commonwealth Club sponsors hundreds of speakers each year, many on scientific and technical topics. For a free copy of our bulletin, contact Katherine Merriman at (415) 597-6732 or at cwc@sirius.com. You are welcome to attend the lecture by Andrew Fraknoi entitled "Exploring the Eerie World of Jupiter: A Preview of the Galileo Mission" on November 13 at 4:45 pm. Call or write to RSVP.
The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia
This resource, maintained by Jean Schneider (Observatoire de Paris), provides updated information about the search for extrasolar planets.
It includes a Catalog of Extrasolar Planets and a list of meetings.
The Kepler Mission ( Searching for Earth-Sized Planets )
The goal of this NASA satellite mission will be to discover and characterize earth-sized planets in the habitable zone of solar-like stars.
The Opacity Project: TOPbase at CDS ( TOPbase )
TOPbase is a read-only database system specially designed for general use of the atomic data dervived by the Opacity Project. It contains energy levels, f-values and photoionization cross sections for astrophysically abundant elements.
The Physics of Microwave Background Anisotropies
Cosmic microwave background anisotropies provide a vast amount of cosmological information. Their full physical content and detailed structure can be understood in a simple and intuitive fashion through a systematic investigation of the individual mechanisms for anisotropy formation.
WAIS index to a biweekly newspaper for research scientists, and managers in industry, academia, and government. Focuses on life sciences and biotechology.
UN Office for Outer Space Affairs
Experimental home page of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs focusing on United Nations activities in outer space matters, particularly on planetary exploration and astronomy (=basic space science).
United Kingdom Students for the Exploration and Development of Space ( UKSEDS )
UKSEDS is the UK's national student space society. Take a look at our web pages for more information on our activities and how to join.
VSNET, maintained by VSNET Administrators, Kyoto University, consists of mailing lists for distribution of various messages on variable stars, especially cataclysmic variables (CVs) and related objects. VSNET now has three addresses for delivering different content of mails. (click to retrieve mail archives) vsnet-obs@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp vsnet-alert@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp vsnet@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp The first address is used for data distribution. The second is for alert on the discovery of supernovae, novae, rare outbursts, discovery of new variable star, dramatic change of known variable stars, and so on. The third is for the general information, discussion on the variable stars problems, complied data, finding charts, preprints and other variable star-related contents which are not covered by the first two addresses.
Western Kentucky University - Physics and Astronomy Department
Home page for the astronomy group at Western Kentucky University and the Hardin Planetarium, in Bowling Green, Kentucky. The department is a collaborator in CASS: NASA University Research Center for Automated Space Science, along with Tennessee State University and South Carolina State University. Further links are provided for the Kentucky NASA EPSCoR program and the Kentucky Space Grant Consortium.
Z39.50 resources - a pointer page
a reference point for resources related to the Information Retrieval Service and Protocol standard, ANSI/NISO Z39.50. This standard was first successfully balloted in 1988; several companies implemented this standard or variants of this; but it did not develop large scale acceptance. A noteworthy implementation based on this standard is WAIS (Wide Area Information Services). Also see the Profiles section for more info on present development of WAIS within Z39.50.

Updated on 96/9/16 8:38 GMT by Sergio Paoli spaoli@fcaglp.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar